Daisypath Graduation tickers


before the end of block 3

exam 2 more weeks!!!

ya ALLAH helps me to digest the knowledge~

i clean up all my stuff,pens,ruler,pendrive with this special tissue after having many100x microbiology practicals huhu facing with e.coli, klebsiella, pseudomonads, salmonella...etc

my new slippers after it having deep sleep inside the box for many2 months huhu..i'm gonna use it in the hospital visit tomorrow~

let us recite al-quran together-gather~ kalamullah are the most perfect words!
cadar sedang di basuh~

end of block 3, this compartment will be emptied~ no more things here~

new compartment is waiting for me..help me to bring all these stuff there =( 'tak larat mak'

if u cannot see it,  u can directly ask me =p
 lastly, i end my blog  presentation by sharing these do'a to all readers....
before you start your activity, say bismillahirrahmanirrahim and end it with alhamdulillah =p

good luck exam block 3 year 1!!!!! go go fighting!!!! pray 4 me =p