Final year project in smk bukit sagu checked .sharing knowledge about
drugs opiod,cannabis, ectasy,metamphetamine, alcohol throuh games..
sexual problems and smoking problems through hembusan cinta
Nowadays, social-related issues have become major
attention of the public to the point that even primary school children
can talk and follow the trend regardless of its moral value. Issues
related to smoking, drug abused and sexual misconduct are those that
have neve
r cease to settle down.
The most recent tobacco survey conducted in 2011 showed that 23.1% or
4.75 million Malaysian aged 15 years old and above are current smokers
of tobacco, [Institute for Public Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia.
Report of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Malaysia, 2012.]
According to National Drug Agency (ADK),the drop in secondary school
enrolment can be linked to other threats such as substance abuse, which
poses a risk to some adolescents. Statistics from the National Drug
Agency show that 65% of drug users detected in 2009 had only completed
their secondary education up to the age of 15.
Becoming more
obvious, every year, more than 10 000 adolescent girls become pregnant
and give birth in Malaysia, with all the ensuing personal and social
risks. [National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia.The
National Study on Reproductive Health and Sexuality of Adolescent in
Malaysia 2006/2007: Executive Summary National Population and Family
Development Board Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2008)]
main objective of this program is to implement awareness among the
teenagers in regards to current social problems such as smoking,
substance abuse and unhealthy sexual habits among teenagers.
The holistic objective of this program is to cultivate a balanced growth
of personality and skills through tarbiyyah of the spirit, the
intellect, the emotions and the physical willingly and joyfully for the
sake of Allah swt. The aspects of excellent attitude are the features
of outstanding attitude towards Allah, oneself, teacher and colleagues.
Eventually, this program will enhance the knowledge, attitude, soft
skills and leadership among the students in developing an excellent
future generation.
some pamphlets about type of drugs, sexual problems, HIV, smoking, vape were distributed to the students at the end of the programme.
Alhamdulillah programmes run smoothly, students enjoyed! well done. thank you all committee!!! good teamwork! Alhamdulillah