Mr yan my lecturer .
I just admire him because he is very committed and i like the way of his teaching methods with interesting videos. In my eye,he trying his best to make us understand and always asks us to give him any questions. The way he treats us..such a responsible teacher trying his best to convey knowledge to us.
When i was admitted to ward surgery, dr yan and dr naser having ward round. I can see from my bed, just watching them doing their job.They are very dedicated. hope i can be like them even better than them amin..
Besides them',actually all my lecturers are very2 nice. I love them!!!! They are very nice and always try their best to make us understand the topics. They are patients and never feel tired in conveying the medical and even ISLAMIC knowledge.always remind us to be the good doctors,being humble, and everything about akhlak!!tq doctors because always nuture us with positive attitudes.
Prof naznin,prof nasar,prof hasan,prof pakeer,dr imad deen,dr imad matloub,dr ahmed kait,dr imam,dr lela,dr zunariah,dr jamal,dr razman,dr imad nafie,dr maung maung cho, dr khin maung maung, dr nurin khin, dr norsidah, dr anil, dr nilar aung, dr aung gi,dr yi yi mint,dr ye tun,dr zamzila,,dr hairul aini,dr s.farid,dr saad.
I just remember about dr imad nafie, during the first session pbl the first block first year,we are freshie that time, just new and being expose with medical knowledge with packs schedules. That time dr imad nafie gave his best explaining about upper limb during pbl session which should be OUR discussion.he already delivered it in the class but he still trying to teach us again to let us understand better. Even after finished the pbl session he already went out from the class but suddenly after seconds he appeared again and he asked us you wants some helps from me ? Anything? Questions? Understand or not? Such a very responsible teacher,tq doctor...,
They are nice!!!tq for being my lecturers. May God bless your efforts.
Allah said in surah al asr;
Surat Al-'Asr
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
By Al-'Asr (the time).
Verily! Man is in loss,
Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds which Allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in Allah's cause)
Note 4me n 4u: dont ever give excuses dont ever say you are tired with your works especially when you working as a doctor, because everything you do, especially the responsible you have,will then be asked in the hereafter by Allah subhanahuwataalla.hope you can cope with your work in the future!!! Gambateeeeee!!!!!
Study awal2..biarkan sedikit asalkan consistent
Sekejap je masa berlalu, i just remember one thing,
Saya dengan tah apa bendanya menangis waktu kakak saya kahwin,bukannya sebab sedih dia dah kahwin tapi menangis bila tengok notes psychology yang susah betul nak faham..and saya tension sangat sebab waktu tu study week..memang spoil kan sampai kakak saya pujuk janganlah nangis,lepas ni nak amik gambar.aahhhh kesian nya kakak saya tu..saya spoil kan mood dia! Saya dah kunci bilik elok2 dah,budget takde orang tau saya nanges..hehe kakak saya pon ketuk-ketuk bilik, she's calling me.bukak pintu,buka pintu,,i just keep quiet like no body at home..haha suddenly, click!!!tombol pintu terbukak!!dia ada kunci pendua ok!!!kantoilah sudah..drama sedih2 berlaku..haha
So pengajrannya kalau saya study molek2 tak tangguh2 leh je enjoy the wedding!!!!! Sorry my lovely sister..
I was very lucky!!! After the wedding end, I got 3bar of chocolate cadburry..the BIG bar ok!!my brother in law bagi..haha ni mesti kakak saya main story telling dengan husband dia.
Ok,i need some booster right now.takdek coklat lagi ke???hehehe
Sekejap je masa berlalu, i just remember one thing,
Saya dengan tah apa bendanya menangis waktu kakak saya kahwin,bukannya sebab sedih dia dah kahwin tapi menangis bila tengok notes psychology yang susah betul nak faham..and saya tension sangat sebab waktu tu study week..memang spoil kan sampai kakak saya pujuk janganlah nangis,lepas ni nak amik gambar.aahhhh kesian nya kakak saya tu..saya spoil kan mood dia! Saya dah kunci bilik elok2 dah,budget takde orang tau saya nanges..hehe kakak saya pon ketuk-ketuk bilik, she's calling me.bukak pintu,buka pintu,,i just keep quiet like no body at home..haha suddenly, click!!!tombol pintu terbukak!!dia ada kunci pendua ok!!!kantoilah sudah..drama sedih2 berlaku..haha
So pengajrannya kalau saya study molek2 tak tangguh2 leh je enjoy the wedding!!!!! Sorry my lovely sister..
I was very lucky!!! After the wedding end, I got 3bar of chocolate cadburry..the BIG bar ok!!my brother in law bagi..haha ni mesti kakak saya main story telling dengan husband dia.
Ok,i need some booster right now.takdek coklat lagi ke???hehehe
Rasa berdebar-debar.lub dub lub dub
Assalamualaikum semua,
Hari ini saya nak share perasaan saya.eceh ni tak ada kena mengena dengan perasaan cinta ke nak kahwin dah ke. Kita cerita biasa-biasa je okay :p actually semenjak masuk UIA ni waktu foundation kat uia pj,bila result exam keluar,saya steady je sebab saya tau performance saya macam mana kan waktu jawab exam tu. tapikan semenjak dah ambil degree ,setiap kali dapat result je mesti hati berdebar-debar sebab kita dah prepare ..baca tu baca ni.pendek cerita,saya bacalah jugak untuk exam tapi tapi tapi cara permarkahan untuk medical course ni kan minus marking.maknanya korang kena jawab soalan yang betul2 sure seratus percent betul.kalau korang just guessing the answer and then salah kenalah tolak markah.means kalau korang betul 3soalan and 2soalan salah, jadi 3-1 dapatlah satu markah je...errr kejam kan?? Sebenarnya bagi saya system ni bagus untuk train supaya bakal-bakal doctor ni buat keputusan untuk diagnose penyakit dengan tepat dan bagi treatment yang betul kat patients.hmm kalau salah kenalah tolak markah..jadi kalau tak sure janganlah main jawab je eh!!! Tulah pengajarannya,
errr i need to change!!!saya ni suka jawab semua soalan walaupon soalan tu 50-50 tak sure and sure tetap nak jawab jugak!!!so result pon hancusss le jawabnya.okay.i am different now tak pernah rasa debar-debar setakat ambil result periksa dulu..tak ada perasaan langsung but now..perasaan cuak tu sangat kuat!!sampai tangan gigil-gigil nak tengok result end block exam dulu..
Balik-balik je dari tengok result exam hari isnin lepas saya rasa down gilerr. kita dah buat betul-betul tapi tak sangka result terukkan bukan sedih sangat sebab result tu, cuma....terbayangkan macam manalah kat akhirat sana saya dapat keputusan amalan saya yang tak seberapa ni,dosa yang bertimbun-timbun layak ke saya dapat buku amalan dengan tangan kanan nanti?yaAllah sedih sangat ,tak pernah rasa sedih macam ni lepas ambil result.serius bukan sedih sebab result periksa duniawi ni,cuma sedih tak tau kejayaan atau kegagalan yang bakal saya peroleh di akhirat kelak.semua orang nak berjaya di akhirat kan?macam-macam ujian dan cabaran kita tempuh kat dunia,dapat tak kita lalui itu semua dengan sabar? Kadang-kadang kita busy sangat dengan urusan dunia sampai lupa yang sebenarnya semua tu duniawi semata-mata..tapi bila Allah bagi kelapangan waktu, kita gagal untuk guna dengan sebaik-baiknya... YaAllah macam manalah layak ke saya ni di pandang Allah?
Allah maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang walau macam mana teruk pun saya macam2 Allah kurniakan rahmatnya di dunia ini. 1 rahmat diturunkan didunia ni dah terasa banyak sangat.nikmat iman,nikmat islam,nikmat sihat,nikmat beribu bapa,nikmat kesempurnaan anggota badan yang sangat perfect!!!! Lagi 99 rahmat.. Allah simpan kat atas sana,,bayangkan betapa lebih bahagia nya kat akhirat sana dengan 99 rahmat Allah simpan kemas untuk kehidupan di sana..
Ya Allah memang sukar jalan kita merentasi jambatan untuk ke syurga,hanya orang yang kuat sahaja dapat laluinya dengan jayanya. Saya cuma hanya mampu berdoa moga Allah kurniakan ketaqwaan,di tetapkan iman di hati, dikurniakan kejayaan di Akhirat dan keredhaan Allah semata-mata.itulah goal hidup kita sebenarnya-benarnya...
Saya cuma teringat,bila kawan saya ada yang jadi imam di masjid ada yang jadi bilal di masjid,suatu hari doctor yang ajar kami di lecture hall jemput mereka dan sediakan tempat duduk mereka di depan seolah-olah seperti VIP.mestilah bahagiakan bila doctor dah layan kita istimewa macam tu.
Tapi amat-amat bahagialah,itu baru kebaikan kita di sanjung manusia ..perasaan itu adalah lagi teramat-amat bahagia ,alangkah teramat bahagia jika Allah menjemput kita sebagai VVIP di akhirat nanti,tapi layakkah saya?Allahuakbar..wallahualam
Insyallah masih ada masa lagi,Allah sayangkan saya,saya masih bernafas untuk memperbaiki segala kesilapan di dunia ini.moga Allah kuatkan semangat kita semua untuk tetap teguh menempuh harungan dunia ini.amin ya Rab.
Hari ini saya nak share perasaan saya.eceh ni tak ada kena mengena dengan perasaan cinta ke nak kahwin dah ke. Kita cerita biasa-biasa je okay :p actually semenjak masuk UIA ni waktu foundation kat uia pj,bila result exam keluar,saya steady je sebab saya tau performance saya macam mana kan waktu jawab exam tu. tapikan semenjak dah ambil degree ,setiap kali dapat result je mesti hati berdebar-debar sebab kita dah prepare ..baca tu baca ni.pendek cerita,saya bacalah jugak untuk exam tapi tapi tapi cara permarkahan untuk medical course ni kan minus marking.maknanya korang kena jawab soalan yang betul2 sure seratus percent betul.kalau korang just guessing the answer and then salah kenalah tolak markah.means kalau korang betul 3soalan and 2soalan salah, jadi 3-1 dapatlah satu markah je...errr kejam kan?? Sebenarnya bagi saya system ni bagus untuk train supaya bakal-bakal doctor ni buat keputusan untuk diagnose penyakit dengan tepat dan bagi treatment yang betul kat patients.hmm kalau salah kenalah tolak markah..jadi kalau tak sure janganlah main jawab je eh!!! Tulah pengajarannya,
errr i need to change!!!saya ni suka jawab semua soalan walaupon soalan tu 50-50 tak sure and sure tetap nak jawab jugak!!!so result pon hancusss le jawabnya.okay.i am different now tak pernah rasa debar-debar setakat ambil result periksa dulu..tak ada perasaan langsung but now..perasaan cuak tu sangat kuat!!sampai tangan gigil-gigil nak tengok result end block exam dulu..
Balik-balik je dari tengok result exam hari isnin lepas saya rasa down gilerr. kita dah buat betul-betul tapi tak sangka result terukkan bukan sedih sangat sebab result tu, cuma....terbayangkan macam manalah kat akhirat sana saya dapat keputusan amalan saya yang tak seberapa ni,dosa yang bertimbun-timbun layak ke saya dapat buku amalan dengan tangan kanan nanti?yaAllah sedih sangat ,tak pernah rasa sedih macam ni lepas ambil result.serius bukan sedih sebab result periksa duniawi ni,cuma sedih tak tau kejayaan atau kegagalan yang bakal saya peroleh di akhirat kelak.semua orang nak berjaya di akhirat kan?macam-macam ujian dan cabaran kita tempuh kat dunia,dapat tak kita lalui itu semua dengan sabar? Kadang-kadang kita busy sangat dengan urusan dunia sampai lupa yang sebenarnya semua tu duniawi semata-mata..tapi bila Allah bagi kelapangan waktu, kita gagal untuk guna dengan sebaik-baiknya... YaAllah macam manalah layak ke saya ni di pandang Allah?
Allah maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang walau macam mana teruk pun saya macam2 Allah kurniakan rahmatnya di dunia ini. 1 rahmat diturunkan didunia ni dah terasa banyak sangat.nikmat iman,nikmat islam,nikmat sihat,nikmat beribu bapa,nikmat kesempurnaan anggota badan yang sangat perfect!!!! Lagi 99 rahmat.. Allah simpan kat atas sana,,bayangkan betapa lebih bahagia nya kat akhirat sana dengan 99 rahmat Allah simpan kemas untuk kehidupan di sana..
Ya Allah memang sukar jalan kita merentasi jambatan untuk ke syurga,hanya orang yang kuat sahaja dapat laluinya dengan jayanya. Saya cuma hanya mampu berdoa moga Allah kurniakan ketaqwaan,di tetapkan iman di hati, dikurniakan kejayaan di Akhirat dan keredhaan Allah semata-mata.itulah goal hidup kita sebenarnya-benarnya...
Saya cuma teringat,bila kawan saya ada yang jadi imam di masjid ada yang jadi bilal di masjid,suatu hari doctor yang ajar kami di lecture hall jemput mereka dan sediakan tempat duduk mereka di depan seolah-olah seperti VIP.mestilah bahagiakan bila doctor dah layan kita istimewa macam tu.
Tapi amat-amat bahagialah,itu baru kebaikan kita di sanjung manusia ..perasaan itu adalah lagi teramat-amat bahagia ,alangkah teramat bahagia jika Allah menjemput kita sebagai VVIP di akhirat nanti,tapi layakkah saya?Allahuakbar..wallahualam
Insyallah masih ada masa lagi,Allah sayangkan saya,saya masih bernafas untuk memperbaiki segala kesilapan di dunia ini.moga Allah kuatkan semangat kita semua untuk tetap teguh menempuh harungan dunia ini.amin ya Rab.
Islam is true religion
there is no god except Allah is the only one and Muhammad sallallahualaihiwasallam is the messenger of Allah.
My last day as first year Student
This year i migrated for two times. And this is the best compartment after i decorated and changed the position of my bed and locker.... Just want to remind myself study consistently and work hard next results for each block were really2 bad and the worst one in my life haha.alhamdulillah Allah still make me pass in the exams. Thank you Allah.hope not in this world only.hoping that i can pass the big big big big exam as HIs servant for hereafter tooooooo...amin. You too readers! =p
Mbbs first year student iium, 2012 in memory
21 tahun dah....
Assalamualaikum everyone,
Alhamdulillah,now i am 21 already . Ergghhh malasnye nak speaking ok let me write in malay.
Dah makin meningkat umur maka dekatlah detik kematian saya.
Saya harap saya dapat jadi hamba Allah yang tak lupa diri,selalu ingat Allah, selalu ingat mak ayah, jadi hamba yang solehah dan anak yang solehah. Jadi hamba yang baik. Dan dapat jadi dokter yang baguslah seimbang dunia akhirat.amin. Doakanlah ye =p
I love Allah walaupun banyak mana dosa yang saya buat Allah masih bagi kesempatan usia untuk saya bertaubat dan berubah jadi lebih baik dan perbaiki kelemahan diri. Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
Saya sayang mak saya, family saya,kawan2, cikgu2, semualah! Terima kasih kerana melayani kerenah saya selama saya hidup ni.mintak maaf salah dan silap. I love u all!
Moga Allah berkati semuanya...amin
I love books
Assalamualaikum readers! =p
Now I'm on holiday, next week my last block as a first year medical student begin. You know what? During study week I think a lot! I think about future...hehe just thinking and listing the things I need to do during this one week holiday. You can try this method if you feel stress during study week then thinks the things you will do after examination! I listed many100x activities unfortunately,I left the paper in the hostel hahahaha
But I still can recall it. Don't worry for me.hehe
One of them is I want to finish some of my COLLECTION books.deep meaning here... I spent my scholarship to buy those books during foundation. Hehe just like to buy in intention to read it too..but I could only khatam I think 4-7books completely haha cant remember...others just so so.... Soooooo....... I only have 3days more for this exam breaks...buck up now
In conclusion I do love books... I like to buy and collect books... But I don't know when I'm going to read them from the front cover to the end of the page!! huahuahua
Gambate amalina! My books 1 Lori hm.P/s: i cannot upload picture in my blog coz susahnya pakai apple ni.rasa Mcm nk makan je grrrrrrrrr
Now I'm on holiday, next week my last block as a first year medical student begin. You know what? During study week I think a lot! I think about future...hehe just thinking and listing the things I need to do during this one week holiday. You can try this method if you feel stress during study week then thinks the things you will do after examination! I listed many100x activities unfortunately,I left the paper in the hostel hahahaha
But I still can recall it. Don't worry for me.hehe
One of them is I want to finish some of my COLLECTION books.deep meaning here... I spent my scholarship to buy those books during foundation. Hehe just like to buy in intention to read it too..but I could only khatam I think 4-7books completely haha cant remember...others just so so.... Soooooo....... I only have 3days more for this exam breaks...buck up now
In conclusion I do love books... I like to buy and collect books... But I don't know when I'm going to read them from the front cover to the end of the page!! huahuahua
Gambate amalina! My books 1 Lori hm.P/s: i cannot upload picture in my blog coz susahnya pakai apple ni.rasa Mcm nk makan je grrrrrrrrr
before the end of block 3
exam 2 more weeks!!!
ya ALLAH helps me to digest the knowledge~
i clean up all my stuff,pens,ruler,pendrive with this special tissue after having many100x microbiology practicals huhu facing with e.coli, klebsiella, pseudomonads, salmonella...etc
my new slippers after it having deep sleep inside the box for many2 months huhu..i'm gonna use it in the hospital visit tomorrow~
end of block 3, this compartment will be emptied~ no more things here~
new compartment is waiting for me to bring all these stuff there =( 'tak larat mak'
lastly, i end my blog presentation by sharing these do'a to all readers....
before you start your activity, say bismillahirrahmanirrahim and end it with alhamdulillah =p
good luck exam block 3 year 1!!!!! go go fighting!!!! pray 4 me =p
ya ALLAH helps me to digest the knowledge~
i clean up all my stuff,pens,ruler,pendrive with this special tissue after having many100x microbiology practicals huhu facing with e.coli, klebsiella, pseudomonads, salmonella...etc
my new slippers after it having deep sleep inside the box for many2 months huhu..i'm gonna use it in the hospital visit tomorrow~
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let us recite al-quran together-gather~ kalamullah are the most perfect words! |
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cadar sedang di basuh~ |
end of block 3, this compartment will be emptied~ no more things here~
new compartment is waiting for me to bring all these stuff there =( 'tak larat mak'
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if u cannot see it, u can directly ask me =p |
before you start your activity, say bismillahirrahmanirrahim and end it with alhamdulillah =p
good luck exam block 3 year 1!!!!! go go fighting!!!! pray 4 me =p
sebelum kahwin kena pandai masak!
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coklat handmade kakak ke 2 untuk tunang dia hehe.kat kedai mahai tau.. |
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kek coklat bawak kat seseri n waktu kat pj dulu ahaha |
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chicken chop..tapi gamba black paper dia xdek.tu yang sedap tu.. |
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masakan pertama yang saya belajar.but then dah luperrr laaa haha learn by heart next tyme! |
disini saya ingin menceritakan kepandaian mak dan kakak-kakak saya memasak! jengjeng..
ok sebelum ni ingat nak tulis blog in english.but then saya nak spend masa yang sikit je untuk post kali ini.jadi typing in malay lah jawabnya, =p
waktu cuti 2011 dulu selama 5bulan rasa sebelum masuk main campus ni.sepatutnya ilmu memasak itu patut diturunkan kepada saya.tapi malangnya kakak saya yang rajin itu selalu saja masak kat dapur. balik2 kerja je dia dah siap masak,tolong mak kat dapur.saya ni anak bongsu jadi lambatlah belajar memasaknya.
pendek cerita kakak saya tu baru je kahwin bulan 3 ni..untung dia.dia pandai masa,suami dia pandai masak.ayah mertua dia pandai masak...waaaaaaaaaaa.saya?bilakah?hahaha doa-doakanlah.taknak makan makanan kat kedai je.masakan sendiri lagi bersih.. =p
resipe masakan yang kakak saya masak?semuanya diturunkan oleh mak saya..tapi bab2 masak kek tu dia belajar kat politeknik merlimau.. nak apa2 saja.mintak jelah kakak saya tu masakkan hehehe
"Kaklang nak kek coklat..,nak bawak g asrama." , "Kaklang nak cheese cake.. kaklang nak chicken chop. kaklang nak cheese tart..kaklang nak ayam masak merah..." HEHEH tulah dialog saya bila saya mengidam hahah
now,dia dah kahwin..sebelum saya start alam pekerjaan baik saya belajar masak! hayya bina!!!
i love my mother and sister...mereka pandai masak!!!hahah
masakanmu mencuri hatiku..
jadi me??kena la belajar masak untuk tarik hati suami.haha (xdek suami lagi pon)
sekian, i love you my mom n sisssss.....(2SIS)hahah bubuy!!!
5 things i must do if i love ALLAH
1) always remember Him
2)have positive thinking about Him.
3) love the things that Allah love.
4)hate the things that Allah hates.
¨فَٱذْكُرُونِىٓ أَذْكُرْكُمْ
¨" Remember Me, I will remember you.. "
(Quran 2:152).
(Quran 2:152).
2)have positive thinking about Him.
¨ It is narrated in a hadith Qudsi "God Most High says I am as my Servant - think I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me by himself, I make mention of him to Myself. If he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than his. If he comes closer to Me a hand span, I come closer to him arms-length, if he comes to Me walking, I come to him running."
3) love the things that Allah love.
قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَاللّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ
Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind): "If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (ali-imran :31)
4)hate the things that Allah hates.
اقْتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمْ وَهُمْ فِي غَفْلَةٍ مُعْرِضُونَ
(21:1) The time of the reckoning of the people has drawn near, *1 and yet they are turning away (from the Admonition) in heedlessness.
5) do not love world excessively.
And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew.(Al-Ankabut:64)
last but not least,
مَنْ أَحَبَّ لِقَاءَ اللهِ أَحَبَّ اللهُ لِقَاءَهُ
Hospital visit (HTAA)
assalamualaikum to all readers..
today i have a hospital visit . it was fun and nice visiting when my lecturers, dr azlin and dr azura( both are radiologist = which i hope i can be like them.amin ) can usher us and give details information about every departments we visited. and doctors also treated us with a cup of ice cream!!! doctor said that they are very dissapointed with the houseman'performance currently and they hope that we will becoming the good muslim doctor one day....
we went to casualty, radiology & psychiatry department.
at psychiatsy department,,during the briefing given by dr azlin at that department .... it was fun when the patients welcome you and wave at you. besides, they started to recite takbir raya. i could not control my smile that time. hurm, just wondering why they recite takbir? =p
there, i could see the real machine that we spoke during pbl task. it was for electroconvulsive therapy for the psychiatric patients.. if you interesting to know the procedure, you can google it. huhu
at radiology department, we could see MRI,CT SCAN machines. its all about machines!!! huhu many things to share here. but i just want to highlight the advice from the doctors...
she said that once you become a doctor, you will go through different stages of it. Housemen,Medical Officer, specialist..
you will have some kind of feeling. whether you start to feel arrogant with your position as you go through the stages or you start to feel you are just at the bottom level..nothing to be pride,right ..
then, i realize to become a doctor you need to prepare mentally,physically,intellectually and not to forget.. spiritually too... when you working.. you are just like visiting the patients and get pahala when visit them. it is just easiest thing to get pahala when you become a doctor. but it depends on your intention.
"during studying, you only think to pass the exam".. what the doctor said was true. I'm also think like that actually. although i know i am gaining knowledge because of Allah. but still the purpose is to pass the exam.. exam exam exam exam exam and finally...then you can graduate.
.then, i start to realize that all the knowledge i got from block 1 year 1 and for the future blocks. i should carried them together during clinical years,HO,MO....
in simple words,every simple and difficult things is just at your fingertips.
if not you will be in trouble and worst doctor if you cannot handle the patients without knowledge. you might also killed the patients you know..
then, as a professional doctor you should be able to communicate well with patients, nurses, the senior least you are fluent in speaking these two languages: english and malay. it is very good and fantastic if you could speak arabic too =p
so, i think i must improve my english especially and now i'm blogging in english!
wow, i took my time here. let's continue studying! ok.. nice if i could share more here. but that's all i think =p
so,fighting!!! mujahadah to be the best muslim and muslimah doctors. insyaallah
finally, i left kalamullah for you to ponder it.
one more thing to remember... the most importance knowledge is the knowledge that make us fear Allah more more and more......
Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet said, "For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise." (Related by Muslim)
"I heard Allah's Messenger saying, "If Allah wants to do good to a person, he makes him very knowledgeable in the Deen." (Related by Bukhari and Muslim)
today i have a hospital visit . it was fun and nice visiting when my lecturers, dr azlin and dr azura( both are radiologist = which i hope i can be like them.amin ) can usher us and give details information about every departments we visited. and doctors also treated us with a cup of ice cream!!! doctor said that they are very dissapointed with the houseman'performance currently and they hope that we will becoming the good muslim doctor one day....
we went to casualty, radiology & psychiatry department.
at psychiatsy department,,during the briefing given by dr azlin at that department .... it was fun when the patients welcome you and wave at you. besides, they started to recite takbir raya. i could not control my smile that time. hurm, just wondering why they recite takbir? =p
there, i could see the real machine that we spoke during pbl task. it was for electroconvulsive therapy for the psychiatric patients.. if you interesting to know the procedure, you can google it. huhu
at radiology department, we could see MRI,CT SCAN machines. its all about machines!!! huhu many things to share here. but i just want to highlight the advice from the doctors...
she said that once you become a doctor, you will go through different stages of it. Housemen,Medical Officer, specialist..
you will have some kind of feeling. whether you start to feel arrogant with your position as you go through the stages or you start to feel you are just at the bottom level..nothing to be pride,right ..
then, i realize to become a doctor you need to prepare mentally,physically,intellectually and not to forget.. spiritually too... when you working.. you are just like visiting the patients and get pahala when visit them. it is just easiest thing to get pahala when you become a doctor. but it depends on your intention.
"during studying, you only think to pass the exam".. what the doctor said was true. I'm also think like that actually. although i know i am gaining knowledge because of Allah. but still the purpose is to pass the exam.. exam exam exam exam exam and finally...then you can graduate.
.then, i start to realize that all the knowledge i got from block 1 year 1 and for the future blocks. i should carried them together during clinical years,HO,MO....
in simple words,every simple and difficult things is just at your fingertips.
if not you will be in trouble and worst doctor if you cannot handle the patients without knowledge. you might also killed the patients you know..
"And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge."
(Qur'an, Ta-Ha 20:114)
then, as a professional doctor you should be able to communicate well with patients, nurses, the senior least you are fluent in speaking these two languages: english and malay. it is very good and fantastic if you could speak arabic too =p
so, i think i must improve my english especially and now i'm blogging in english!
wow, i took my time here. let's continue studying! ok.. nice if i could share more here. but that's all i think =p
so,fighting!!! mujahadah to be the best muslim and muslimah doctors. insyaallah
finally, i left kalamullah for you to ponder it.
لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها
(2:286) Allah does not burden any human being with a responsibility heavier than he can bear.
Abu Hurayrah relates that the Prophet said, "For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise." (Related by Muslim)
"I heard Allah's Messenger saying, "If Allah wants to do good to a person, he makes him very knowledgeable in the Deen." (Related by Bukhari and Muslim)
syukran jazilan for reading this post =p
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happy family ever.. =p
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2) atuk dia walaupun dah tua tapi semangat hantar cucu masuk asrama. =p
happy family ever.. =p
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ringan di dunia berat di akhirat.
Subhanallah Wabihamdihi
April 25, 2010 — sulaimanRasulullah s.a.w. bersabda “Sesiapa pada waktu pagi dan petang mengucapkan Subhanallah wabihamdihi (Maha suci Allah dan segala puji baginya) sebanyak seratus kali maka tidak ada seorang pun yang akan datang pada hari kiamat nanti membawa pahala sebesar itu kecuali mereka yang membaca kalimah itu sebanyak 100 kali atau lebih dari itu” (Riwayat Imam Tirmidzi)
Maha suci Allah dan segala pujian hanyalah berhak diberikan kepadanya kerana dialah yang memiliki kedudukan yang tertinggi dan kepadanyalah kita menumpang. Pujilah Allah yang sangat hebat dan jika sekiranya 7 lautan dijadikan dakwat untuk memuji dan menulis kehebatan Allah, ianya masih tidak mencukupi.
Al-Kahfi [109] Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Kalaulah semua jenis lautan menjadi tinta untuk menulis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, sudah tentu akan habis kering lautan itu sebelum habis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, walaupun Kami tambahi lagi dengan lautan yang sebanding dengannya, sebagai bantuan.
Luqman [27] Dan sekiranya segala pohon yang ada di bumi menjadi pena dan segala lautan (menjadi tinta), dengan dibantu kepadanya tujuh lautan lagi sesudah itu, nescaya tidak akan habis Kalimah-kalimah Allah itu ditulis. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Sesiapa membaca : ‘Subhanallah,wabihamdihi’ (Maha Suci Allah dan segala puji bagiNya) dalam sehari seratus kali, akan digugurkan dosanya walaupun sebanyak buih lautan.’ (Riwayat Syaikhan dari Abu Hurairah)
Imam Bukhari menamatkan kitab hadithnya dengan hadith berikut, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Dua kalimat yang ringan di lidah, pahalanya berat di timbangan (hari Kiamat) dan disenangi oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih, adalah: Subhaanallaah wabihamdihi, subhaanallaahil ‘azhiim.” (HR. Al-Bukhari 7/168, Muslim 4/2072.)
Dalam zikir yang lain pula: ……..Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi ‘adada khalqihi,wa ridhaka nafsihi, wa ziinata ‘Arsyihi, wa midada kalimatihi’ (Maha Suci Allah dan segala puji bagiNya sebanyak bilangan makhlukNya, dan sebesar redhaNya, dan seberat ‘ArasyNya,dan sebanyak hitungan kalimatNya).’ (Hadis riwayat Muslim)
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